
My name is Vaibhav and I’m currently in eleventh grade. My love for aviation started at a very young age. When I got my first airplane model, an A380, I knew that I wanted to make the next iconic plane. As time went on, and my beloved A380 was slowly decommissioned, I wanted to know how to save the program and why it failed in the first place. This brought me into the world of sustainable aviation. These new fuels directly reduce carbon usage, slowing down climate change. Fuel efficiency and economics dominate the aviation sector, and lower fuel costs are directly related to reduced air fare. Traveling, to me, is the most enjoying experience in life. Opening the door for others who are under tougher circumstances is what I want to do in my career. Going through the sustainable route has shown less volatility and a reduction in prices. My blog’s goal is to widen the eyes of anyone curious about the future of aviation or anyone looking for the next climate-friendly breakthrough.

In this blog, we will dive deep into one topic a week. We will discuss the ramifications and costs of proposed changes, as well as critiquing and analyzing airlines’ new sustainable practices.