Plane Speak


The CFM-Rise engine represents a remarkable shift in aviation philosophy. Developed jointly by CFM International and GE, this engine takes high-bypass to a whole new level. The engine’s name, “Rise,” stands for “Revolutionary Innovation for Sustainable Engines”.

The CFM-Rise engine boasts impressive features, notwithstanding its remarkable fan shape. However, the engine works like a jet and a prop as one, making it significantly more effective than a traditional blade or jet airplane. In fact, simulations have been run to show that these engines may even work on the A380.

CFM-Rise is an ultra-high bypass engine (see High Bypass Engines). The turbofans that surround the compressor are not in a cylinder as in conventional aircraft. Instead, a propellor is attached around the main compressor. This can provide the thrust needed to power a 737 with even less emissions than the modern high bypass varieties. Carbon usage could drop 20% as compared to the best today. With full compatibility to SAF and hydrogen, it truly represents the future for short to medium haul flights.

The CFM-Rise engine is what aviation sustainability looks like. Innovation and climate activism work together to produce an outside the box idea that will revolutionize the world as we know it. It represents the best form of advancement; two companies working alongside one another to prevent climate change.

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